Both Dad & I went to see his cancer doctor this morning. We discussed the issue of him being very tired and pain in the stomach area. They took three different blood samples. His white blood cell is ok, the red blood cell is also fine, but the neutrophil count is down. It needs to be up before they will give him chemo, so he needs to go in again Thursday. We also discussed the possibility of coming down at Easter, but she advised against it, as that is when his neutrophil count would be the lowest. There is a 20% chance that Dad can get an infection with a fever. He then has hours to get to the hospital, and when there, we need to tell him about his neutrophil count, which would bump him to the front of the line. If his neutrophil count is too low this Thursday, they will wait till next week to give him his chemo. If that is the case, we can come down.
This update is actually from a few days ago, I just got it posted now.