Some Answers to Prayer: Some encouragement
Today was the day that I had to get the staples out of the cuts where the doctors inserted the pin in my leg. Gerry took me and waited for the whole three hours. Hospital staff made me dress up in one of those hospital gowns that are open at the back. Then I got a thread bare house coat to wear over top. Imagine this handsome and debonair gentleman hobbling on his cane to the X-ray department. However, the results were positive and the staples removed – healing is going fast and I’m back to driving. woot
As expected, the biopsy report arrived yesterday and I was given the results today. Again we are encouraged in that we are dealing with Lymphoma, a cancer that is more responsive to treatment. On Monday I go to the Cancer Clinic and find out what treatment regime will be used. Dr. Graham, the surgeon indicated the leg was healing well and would stand up to radiation. Other tests have shown that all my organs are healthy, and that my body should be able to handle whatever treatment is necessary.
Canada’s medical system is working well. Treatment has been timely and hospital staff considerate. Spence Neighbourhood Association has given the time off to rest and attend appointments. On Monday, we will be able to put a plan in place that will most likely last the next two months. So far, the only cost to us has been a few painkillers.
This is a far better picture than two weeks ago and an answer to prayer. Thank you for your support and please continue praying. How does one count all the blessings? Please join me in giving thanks – our God is good.
This is a Praise the Lord, Yes! Blessings to you and your family.