Thank you for taking time to support Don & Eva, our children and grandchildren through this new journey which began very quickly and is changing our lives. Dad's cancer diagnosis has been a shock to us all and we greatly appreciate all the prayers and love being showered on us and Dad.
Dad in his new robe from Marlene
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
They gave him a “happy” drug to top it off, so when we were home and relaxing with a cup of tea, getting updated on email, he decided that we should go out for supper. Wow, he must really be feeling good! We had to pick up a prescription, which we combined with grocery shopping and then went out for burgers (yum, one of my favourite foods), and then rented some videos. If you ever get a chance to see Temple Grandin, let us know your reactions. Dad & I both agreed it is one of the best films we have seen in a long time.
Dad was also informed that because the drugs break down the cells, he needs to be careful with spicy foods, hot drinks, brushing his teeth and shaving. He has decided not to shave when his face is sensitive and feeling raw. Also, it takes approximately 15 days for the cells to die, which is when he will be most susceptible to diseases. So, he can go to church on the 6th, but not the 13th. Then his body will begin to produce healthy cells, in time for his next treatment on the 25th. Something to keep in mind if we want to visit you.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Dad received a phone call today, confirming that the PICC line will be inserted Thursday, Mar 3, 9:30 am. He will need to remain in the hospital as they begin his chemo treatments, to continue Friday, Mar 4, 8:30 am. We are so thankful as we were told not to expect to hear from them for another week or so. This is an answer to prayer, as Dad does feel that the cancer is growing.
Another praise is the many wonderful people in our church who came forward to let us know that they would be willing to help with bringing Dad to appointments.