Dad in his new robe from Marlene

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dad is loosing his chest hairs. This morning when he was washing up, it was coming out in handfuls. This is his first evident reality check that he is taking note of. His sleeping patterns are going crazy. He went to bed at 9:30 last night, but couldn’t get to sleep and got up at 11 to read for 2.5 hours. Of course, this morning he was hard to get out of bed. Not at all his usual self, as he is the first to get up and make tea for me. I think he was hoping to sail through this unscathed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yesterday, Dad had his PICC line flushed out, and everything looked fine. The rash has cleared up, which we are very thankful for. This is Dad’s quarantine weekend where he can’t expose himself to bad germs. Today, we slept in and had another nap in the afternoon. We are so thankful for being able to communicate over the phone, internet and Skype. Right now, Dad is doing work for SNA while I made a big pot of chicken soup. The snow is slowly melting, tomorrow is the first day of spring and Katrina’s birthday.  We continue to give God praises.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dad had a setback this weekend. He was vacuuming the house (he likes to stay active, but doesn’t know his limits yet), and twisted the wrong way, hurting his hip. The pain is slowly going away, so that is good. His rash still isn’t gone. It’s worse at night and is the best first thing in the morning. We’re not sure what is triggering it off, as I haven’t changed the laundry soap. The pain has also come back in his diaphragm and sternum. Dad’s next treatment is the 25th. He has also been losing weight, from 175 to 160. He sure is looking pretty skinny, but still hugs real fine.

This morning we didn’t go to church; opting out to sleep in and have a leisurely morning getting up at 9:30 (Daylight savings time). We had a good time last night with Len & Hennie who came for a relaxing evening. I made meatloaf, something Dad was craving for, and it turned out quite well, along with mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus, and for dessert apple pie and ice cream with a tall cup of coffee. It was good getting caught up in our friendship again.

Dad was hoping to present at an audition for the Dragon’s Den on Saturday, but he was just too wiped out. He had permission from the Board of Directors from his work to present an idea on providing housing for the homeless, that would still be able to bring a profit that could be generated into more housing. I know Dad would have done well, handling the pressure of the questions coming from different directions and keeping a clear mind. Perhaps next time. Apparently they come to Winnipeg once a year.

Three things to pray for: pain, rash and weight loss.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dad had his next visit at the Cancer Care today, instead of tomorrow, as he developed a rash on his right arm, around the PICC line. It began earlier this week, but he was hoping it would disappear. Last night it was huge, red, raised and hot to the touch. We put some ointment on it, and then left it bare, hoping it would clear up by morning. When he went in, they determined that he may be allergic to the disinfectant and used iodine instead, or to the sock that he wears to protect the PICC line. Tonight, he is to wear one of his own socks, with the foot cut out, and see if it makes a difference. While there, they flushed out the line, so he is ready to go for another week.

We praise God. Dad doesn’t need to take any pain medication. Isn’t that amazing? Also, we are very thankful for the continued support from our many friends and family. We have received orchards (Dad’s favourite), cards, phone calls and today in the mail, Dad got a fuzzy warm housecoat, which cousin Marlene sewed. Aunt Paula tucked in a praise DVD to watch later. We are so encouraged by the number of people that stop and tell us that they are praying. Every time I hear that, I feel like the Holy Spirit is giving me a hug.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dad had his first round of chemo Thursday, and it went well. I had to drop him off early as his appointment was at 9:30, and I need to be at the office by 9 am at the latest. He needed to get some paper work done before, so all was not lost. The PICC line went in well, and at 2:30, he called me to pick him up. Tomorrow he goes for another 4 hour treatment. We are so glad, as he felt the cancer growing in his back where the two spots were noticed in January. Dad is sitting in his recliner in the living room with a cup of tea at his side and a book in his hands.

next day : Friday morning, Dad’s treatment began at 8:30 am. In anticipation of a short day, we arranged one of our friends to pick him up shortly after noon. Imagine my surprise when she called the office to let me know a voice message was left on her phone, not to come. Because this was Dad’s first time getting these drugs, they decided to inject them at a slower rate. He also had to stay in a bed, just in case he got a reaction and they could whisk him off; where, I do not know, but it does add confidence to what they are doing. Dad called around 2:00 pm to let me know that he should be finished at 3. Great timing, as that is when I would be finished at the office too.

They gave him a “happy” drug to top it off, so when we were home and relaxing with a cup of tea, getting updated on email, he decided that we should go out for supper. Wow, he must really be feeling good! We had to pick up a prescription, which we combined with grocery shopping and then went out for burgers (yum, one of my favourite foods), and then rented some videos. If you ever get a chance to see Temple Grandin, let us know your reactions. Dad & I both agreed it is one of the best films we have seen in a long time.

Dad was also informed that because the drugs break down the cells, he needs to be careful with spicy foods, hot drinks, brushing his teeth and shaving. He has decided not to shave when his face is sensitive and feeling raw. Also, it takes approximately 15 days for the cells to die, which is when he will be most susceptible to diseases. So, he can go to church on the 6th, but not the 13th. Then his body will begin to produce healthy cells, in time for his next treatment on the 25th. Something to keep in mind if we want to visit you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dad received a phone call today, confirming that the PICC line will be inserted Thursday, Mar 3, 9:30 am. He will need to remain in the hospital as they begin his chemo treatments, to continue Friday, Mar 4, 8:30 am. We are so thankful as we were told not to expect to hear from them for another week or so. This is an answer to prayer, as Dad does feel that the cancer is growing.

Another praise is the many wonderful people in our church who came forward to let us know that they would be willing to help with bringing Dad to appointments.